Saturday, April 25, 2009

Your Fired

We all know that Rupert Murdoch owns Fox News Corp and Fox News Corp owns myspace, well i found an article that discuss how Rupert Murdoch is planning to fire the two founders of myspace. This is pretty funny to me because i never heard of a owner nor a founder getting fired from a company they created, Murdoch is looking to tap into the internet generation after a life time of working with newspapers. This is Rupert Murdoch at his best using his power to make changes and do to facebook catching up to myspace Rupert decides to removed both Tom Anderson and co-founder Chris DeWolfe sooner instead of waiting because their contracts expires soon.

Heres the link for this story

Friday, April 10, 2009


Came across this story while surfing the web for something to blog about, well check this out remember the story about a Bart Police officer killing a teen in a subway. Protesters are upset about the way Bart Police Department is handling this case...

Check this story out

Where have you been

Guess who's back? Eminem is back,yes i said Eminem since his last album that came out 3 or 5 years ago nobody has heard nor seen Eminem. Eminem just put out his first single called "We Made You" produced by Dr. Dre and he doesnt waste no time throwing other celebrities under the bus, as a fan off Eminem im happy to see someone bring back humor to the rap game because i got tired of these dance songs and artist being to gangsta. Even though Eminem gets criticize for his lyrical content i think the man deserves all the success he recieves, majority of these hip hop artist dont keep it original or real and when i see videos like the one below i get entertained and thats what Eminem is paid to do.

here's the link for the video

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well majority of us probably played Halo the video game or over heard people talking about playing online against all sorts of people, I was watching tv and this commercial came on at first i thought this was a movie because i dont normally see video games shown like this but as a consumer this ad made me want to go out and buy this game when it comes out. After reading the case study on selling to audiences i thought this would be a good topic to blog about, this commercial was made to grab the attention of its audience by making seem like it was a movie. This commercial was broadcast later in the day so i figured advertisers wanted the mature audience to see this commercial so they can go out and purchase the video game.

Cat Fight

Reality Shows are the most popular thing to watch on television these days, every week viewers tune in to watch their favorite reality shows filled wit cast members they probably never seen before. The audience that view these shows consist of people from all ages and race, the effect these shows have on the audience are amazing. I have friends who fit reality shows into their daily schedule and others who text in votes for shows such as American Idol and So you think you can dance. The clip that i posted up shows you the effect a reality show can have on its audience, its sad that people can be influenced this easily and situations like this occur.

Top Model auditions 2009

Thousands of females fight at top model auidition

Friday, April 3, 2009

Borat is back

Just came across this preview for this new Borat movie it looks pretty funny but there are some controversial scenes in this movie. At 2:07 Borat has a child riding with him on his scooter and as he rides off he almost gets hit by a vehicle, some say that this is child abuse others are hoping that this is a special effect or something. The movie looks funny but that once scene is disturbing and i hope that he didnt put no child in danger while shooting this scene.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Global News

Touching base on what we discuss after we took our class quiz on Tuesday i was watching CNN and they were reporting the crimes that are going on in Mexico due to drug cartels that run the country. One of our questions on the quiz was "living in a global media economy" how have i been affected, well this is how I've been affected i'm able to learn about Mexico and the tragedies that are going on. CNN allows us view with our own eyes the story that is being told instead of reading about it or listening to it over the radio.